
Suchergebnisse 1-5 von insgesamt 5.

  • Event: Oktoberfest - english

    The Schottertaler are looking for the new products that are available in the Schottertal since August. Send as many of the new products (raw materials, intermediate products or final products) to ID 100 and you will receive an event token for every 2 products. If you are the one who sent the most of one product, then you will receive an additional event token. The one who has sent in all new products will also receive an additional event token. Since it is difficult to get the new products, the …
  • Event: Oktoberfest - english

    A heavy storm passed over the gravel valley, To repair the damage send 3 pallets of intermediates to the ID100 . You can send the same or different intermediate products. If your intermediate product is the most sent in, you will receive 3 event tokens for this product, if it is the second most then 2 event tokens and if it is the third most then you will receive 1 event token for this product. If you don't have one right, you will get 1 event token. Example: If you send the same product three t…
  • Event: Oktoberfest - english

    The city administration requests the local managers for Oktoberfest to supply only products in quality 45. The quality of the products together must be 45. It is valid from 45.00 quality to 45.99 quality. Therefore it must both products in the ratio 7 ( chicken ) to 1 ( spices ) must result in the corresponding quality. You can of course deliver both in Q45, but it does not have to be. Managers in levels 0 and 1, who do not have a suitable vehicle, are welcome to contact the city administration…
  • Event: Oktoberfest - english

    It's warm in September, everyone is screaming for ice cream, Produce as much ice cream as possible. Reach 1 million ice cream as stock in all cities together (evaluation on 26/09), then everyone who sends at least 1 piece of ice cream to ID 100 on September 24/25 will receive 1 . If you reach the number 2 million, there will be 2 for each sender. Note that only the stock of the Schottertal on 26.09 at 0 o'clock will be counted, if you send something to ID 100 it will not be counted. Ice cream ∞…
  • Event: Oktoberfest - english

    Show your best products, send your favorite product of your choice to ID 100. If the product (not brand) is sent once you will receive 1 . If you send it 2 times you will get 0 . If you send it 3 times you will get 3 . If it is sent 4 times you will get 0 . If you send it at least 5 times and the number is odd you will get 5 . All with even number sent in will get no . Favorite product ∞ This task can be done in the period 25.09.22 00:00 clock - 25.09.22 23:59 clock to be completed!